偽幻想曲集 - Another Eastern world

Group: L-Garden | Release Date: 14/03/2010

偽幻想曲集 - Another Eastern world is an album by L-Garden containing instrumental and vocal arrangements from Touhou and Seihou songs. The songs are arranged by Scirrocco and performed by Ruka.


01 - 氷で出来た幻の鏡
02 - Luna noctis
03 - TiO2
04 - 夜道にて
05 - sing out for
06 - wintry
07 - First Easter Mirage Region
08 - The start of asia
09 - The lunatic knife
10 - 色恋マジック
11 - 鏡の国の舞踏会
12 - 氷幻郷
13 - Romantic Mirror
14 - Gold colored…

The songs in this album give a very nostalgic feeling, like playing early windows Touhou games for the first time feeling?

My favorite song from this album is 11 - 鏡の国の舞踏会, an arrange of The Witche's Ball ~ Magius from Seihou. It's kinda of ironic that my favorite song from Touhou isn't even really from Touhou but what can I do lol. I absolutely love this take on the song !!! I love the vibe of it and I love how the main melody is a bit different ? idk how to explain but it sounds very unique and nice. There is actually a remastered version of this song on Youtube by Scirrocco and it's even better than the album version with new instruments.

Other song I really enjoy (despite loving the entire album) is 09 - The lunatic knife, which is surprising because Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial is not really a song that I enjoy very much. I was also soo happy to see covers of songs from Eastern and Little Deity in 02 - Luna noctis and 03 - TiO2 as they are so rare to find !!! its some of my favorite works from ZUN too.

Actually almost all songs from this album are covers of my favorite Touhou songs, very lucky !!! I enjoy it very much. This absolutely is one of my favorite albums ever.

Sadly there isnt a lot of information that I could find online for the group + the album doesn't seem to be available to be purchased online anywhere either.